
The Story Behind Seven Sisters

“When I gave this reading to my son, I had no idea it would be so powerful for him! It was so right on about who he is. Your recommendations for enlightenment and growth were exactly what he needed to hear.”


The Pleiades Constellation, commonly known as the “The Seven Sisters” is the inspiration for Seven Sisters Astrology. Seen from all parts of the globe, this ubiquitous constellation has fascinated people since the beginning of time.

The Seven Sisters was used by ancient Celts to signal the time to create ritual dances and nighttime festivals. The appearance of the Pleiades inspired personal transformation and collective resilience and was seen as lights of guidance. The Celts held the number seven sacred and associated it with the virtues, faith, truth, purity, strength, patience, kindness, and temperance.

In Greek legends, the stars of the Pleiades were said to be the companions of Artemis and Diana, who were the goddesses of vitality, reproduction, and sustenance of all forms of life on Earth.

The Pleiades represents a coming together in Japan. It is in this spirit that Seven Sisters Astrology was created. We are all connected and must collectively and individually unify to create the future we want. This kinship is vital to our survival on the planet Earth.

The constancy of the constellation is a comfort to me. As a child, I would look up to the Seven Sisters and feel a sense of belonging and wonder. Today, I look for the Seven Sisters to orient myself in the night sky. The Seven Sisters is a steady beacon we can all use. The constellation reminds us of the interconnectedness of all things. It is necessary for us to look to the stars and the planetary movements to help guide us and add meaning to life here on Earth.