An Ancient Way for Today’s World

Much like a wayfarer navigates a journey using stars, an astrological reading is a guide based on the planets using the ancient language of archetypes. The planetary position when you were born provides a template for your life. With sensitivity, wisdom, and a touch of humor, a reading will give guidance to live your best life. You will receive a copy of your chart and a recording of the reading.

Canceling and rescheduling need to be requested 48 hours prior to the scheduled service. Contact

adult Natal Reading

A Natal Reading will help you move through your life with an awareness of your innate gifts and challenges. It will help you navigate life gracefully. You will gain clarity regarding current issues and opportunities in the coming year.


Newborn Reading

A Newborn Reading will focus on the child’s highest potential. You will learn about their most basic emotional and intellectual needs. These readings serve to highlight the infant’s strengths. There is no prognostication in a Newborn Reading.


Readings for children aged 1 - 14 years

Not only is this a guide to a child’s highest potential, but this reading will also give parents and caregivers tools to work with the child’s natural tendencies to help them learn independence with support from their adult guides. Focusing on children’s natural inclinations, we will identify critical junctures in the child’s developmental path to give specific guidance for peaceful and productive interactions between caregivers and children.


Family Readings

We will look at each person individually and then blend all the charts together to analyze the interactions between everyone in the family. Parents will appreciate their children in a new way and will gain clarity on ways to best encourage their children to reach their full potential. Family dynamics will be discussed for the benefit of everyone. You will learn each other’s innate tendencies as well as gain an understanding of how to work with each other for peaceful and happy interactions.

1 Adult, 1 child $380

2 Adults, 1 child $600

2 Adults, 2 children $800

Couples and Partner Readings

A reading for personal relationships as well as professional ones.Each person receives a reading and then we blend the two together. You will learn to maximize the relationship through a deeper understanding of each other’s natal inclinations. You will gain a profound insight into each other and inspire thoughtful and purposeful interactions for mutual growth. These readings are done with the consent of both people.


Chiron Reading

Chiron Readings are deep, healing readings designed for those who have already had a Natal Reading. We explore your internal dialogue and develop a strategy to help you move through blockages to help you reach your full potential. Chiron represents not only the part of us that creates blockages but also provides guidance to fully integrate the lessons and heal those parts of ourselves by helping others.


 Follow-Up Readings

Done within 6 months of the original reading. We will go deeper into the chart with a special emphasis on current planetary movements. Follow-up readings are rich with possibility and can help guide you through changing seasons, transitions or challenging times.

60 minutes $175

30 minutes $90

Bundles of Readings

Build upon each reading to support your growth. Whether you are going through a challenging time or want support to transform your life, these bundles will help you live your best life. Must be completed within 1 year.

4 Sessions $700