
Wholistic Approach to Chiron

Chiron is an asteroid between Saturn, the last planet we can see with the naked eye, and Uranus, the first of the generational planets. Chiron represents the part of ourselves that is wounded such that it can prevent us from fully embracing our gifts and purpose in this life. Once we identify the wound, Chiron helps us heal, recover, and transform the pain into motivation, and determination and can put us in touch with our main lessons and gifts in this life. Chiron is multifaceted. The myriad ways humans can be wounded are expressed through the mythology and astrology of Chiron.

One key lesson with Chiron is to share our gifts with others. If we block the wound, we cannot know the gift. Once the block is removed, we are free to heal ourselves and help others.

The Chiron Class is for intermediate to advanced students of astrology. We will spend 5 weeks together learning about the many nuances of Chiron in the natal chart, applying this knowledge to our own charts to serve as examples. We will then develop concrete strategies for sharing our gifts with our loved ones and the world to fully heal and evolve.


Individual tutoring is offered to help students of astrology hone their understanding. Each tutoring session is tailored to the student and their level of learning.

Forty-Five-minute session for Applied Astrology Students centered around the curriculum.
$ 100

One-hour session for general astrology lessons.


We are in the planning stages of 2 special retreats.

The target date for the Hawaii retreat is September 2025. We will spend a glorious time studying astrology, swimming in the warm Pacific Ocean, eating healthy food, gazing at the stars in one of the darkest spots on the planet and practicing yoga.

Our Colorado retreat will be in Boulder. Our location is surrounded by Open Space yet within proximity to all that Boulder has to offer. It will be a combination of yoga, astrology, and a spectacular, healthy culinary experience.

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